Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday DIY - Painting and Blocklaying

Emma has been putting a second coat of paint on the walls in the stairwell. It looks great.

Ed finished the chimney breast. Needs to be plasterboarded now, before the plasterer skims it. Then we need to choose which colour it'll be painted.

Dining Room Chimney Breast

We're rebuilding the chimney breast in the dining room. It's half way up and the brickwork should be finished today before it gets plasterboarded and skimmed by the plasterer. It balances up the room with the living room really well.

The opening has been custom sized to fit the fire grill that you can see in the back of the photo.

Cutting the reinforced concrete lintle was interesting especially on bank holiday saturday and thereofre not being able to use a power tool.


We've had the whole stairwell plastered. They'll be back soon to plaster the Bedroom and dressing room, downstairs loo and loft ceiling.......
So the bumpy walls have gone to be replaced by super smooth plaster. We're now putting on the first coat of white wash - 50:50 paint and water. The ceilings look even higher and when they're fully painted probably even higher!


Life Time Guarentee on our Wilkinson Sword Garden Fork - perhaps not so life time.......

Garden fork now in two pieces!

We taken out the hedge from the bed on the side of the garden opening the space out. We'll be planting Roses here.